Lançámos o Programa EUSOUDIGITAL, com um evento em transmissão ao vivo para várias plataformas digitais com uma audiência de +12.000 participantes. Queremos ajudar mais de 1 milhão de portugueses a ganhar as competências digitais para darem os primeiros passos na internet. Mais do que ligar as pessoas através da internet, este Programa de âmbito nacional pretende combater o isolamento e tornar mais fácil o dia a dia dos portugueses.
Um agradecimento especial ao MEO, NOS, Sapo e Expresso/SIC pela transmissão em direto Mais um grande passo que o MUDA e os seus parceiros deram! Revejam o Evento em resumo aqui e o site ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We launched the EUSOUDIGITAL Program, with an event broadcast live to various digital platforms with an audience of +12,000 participants. We want to help more than 1 million Portuguese people gain the digital skills to take their first steps on the internet. More than connecting people through the internet, this nationwide program aims to combat isolation and make Portuguese citizen's life easier each and every day. Special thanks to MEO, NOS, Sapo and Expresso/SIC for the live broadcast. Another big step that MUDA and its partners have taken together! Review the Event at a glance here and visit the site
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O Workshop de e-Health organizado hoje pelo MUDA em parceria com a Roche e a Deloitte foi um grande sucesso. Tivemos 25 profissionais dos mais variados sectores da saúde desde hospitais, seguradoras, associações de doentes, associações de farmácias, administração publica e tambem empresas tecnologia e telecoms, académicos entre outros.
No workshop, os vários grupos de trabalho fizeram a identificação de novas soluções de serviços digitais de saúde, identificaram oportunidades de interoperabilidade e apresentaram novas ideias para iniciativas que consigam aumentar a adoção de serviços digitais de saúde pela população portuguesa. Contamos realizar a seguir a verão um webinar público em que pretendemos proceder à divulgação dos resultados do workshop, dos resultados dos estudos realizados no âmbito deste projeto e que contará com a presença de vários peritos nacionais e internacionais. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The e-Health Workshop organized today by MUDA in partnership with Roche and Deloitte was a great success. We had 25 professionals from the most varied health sectors from hospitals, insurance companies, patient associations, pharmacy associations, public administration and also technology and telecom companies, academics, among others. During workshop, various working groups identified new solutions for digital healthcare services, identified interoperability opportunities and presented new ideas for initiatives that can increase the adoption of digital healthcare services by the Portuguese population. We plan to hold a public webinar after the summer in which we intend to disseminate the results of the workshop, the results of the studies carried out within the scope of this project, which will be attended by several national and international experts. The biggest Portuguese digital campaign is back, and it's bigger than ever!!
MUDAR É GANHAR ("change to win" in Portuguese) is back to give Portuguese citizens thousands of prizes and a wonderful Renault Clio E-Tech. Over the next 3 months, all Portuguese citizens have a chance to win over 5,300 fantastic prizes simply by using digital services from the over 20 participating brands! Find out how here Está de volta o maior concurso digital português! O MUDAR É GANHAR volta para lhe dar milhares de prémios e um maravilhoso Renault Clio E-Tech. Durante os próximos 3 meses pode ganhar mais de 5.300 fantásticos prémios bastando usar serviços digitais das mais de 20 marcas aderentes. Saiba como aqui MUDA NUM MINUTO (“Change in a Minute”) is a digital literacy initiative that was launched by MUDA (Movement for an Universal and Digitally Active citizenship). MUDA NUM MINUTO was launched in Portugal in 2018, with the objective of contributing to a more advanced, inclusive and participative country. MUDA NUM MINUTO aims further MUDA's mission of reducing the number of citizens who have never accessed the internet and to increase the number of citizens with advanced digital skills.
MUDA NUM MINUTO is a daily TV program aired on the public TV channel (RTP1 and RTP3) and radio (Antena 1) with suggestions on how Portuguese citizen's day-to-day life can be changed with the use of the internet. This initiative is also available online on RTP Play, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. After more than 370 videos produced over two seasons, MUDA is excited to announce the launch of the 3rd season of MUDA NUM MINUTO at the end of this month. Increase your digital skills and benefit from their advantages in your daily life. Keep up with the 3rd season here in our MUDA NUM MINUTO playlist. In addition to the over 300 articles and videos that are updated daily, you can also receive the MUDA EM CASA newsletter and stay abreast of all the digital news we have prepared for you!
Make your days more Digital and explore the world from home. Stay informed, subscribe to our newsletter here. Receba a newsletter do MUDA EM CASA e fique a par de todas as novidades digitais que preparámos para si! Torne os seus dias mais Digitais e explore o mundo a partir de casa. Mantenha-se informado, subscreva a nossa newsletter aqui. No Webinar Serviços Digitais Ativados por Voz, analisámos o estudo sobre a Adoção de Serviços Digitais Ativados por Voz, desenvolvido pela Deloitte em conjunto com o MUDA – Movimento pela Utilização Digital Ativa, tem como principal objetivo aferir o estado de adoção e interesse das empresas portuguesas na utilização da interação por voz em serviços digitais.
As empresas portuguesas que participaram no Estudo Deloitte/MUDA destacam as indústrias da Saúde, Turismo, Tecnologia e Retalho como sendo as mais promissoras para a integração da interação por voz nos seus serviços digitais. Contudo, é consensual a transversalidade na utilização desta tecnologia pelo panorama empresarial português. Poderá rever toda a transmissão, descarregar as apresentações bem como o Estudo "Adopção dos Serviços Digitais Ativados por Voz em Portugal", bastando para isso selecionar as opções abaixo. VEJA AQUI AS APRESENTAÇÕES Ao clicar no nome de cada orador terá acesso à respetiva apresentação. ESTUDO 10h00 Boas-Vindas Alexandre Nilo Fonseca, Diretor Executivo, MUDA 10h25 Apresentação do Estudo “Serviços Digitais de Voz e seu impacto em Portugal” Sérgio Lee, Partner, Deloitte 10h40 A Tecnologia da Voz aplicada em Casos de Sucesso • Google | Tiago Sá, Customer Engineer, Google Cloud Portugal • Microsoft | Nelson Luciano, Data & Artificial Intelligence Specialist 11h15 Encerramento André de Aragão Azevedo, Exmo. Sr. Secretário de Estado para a Transição Digital 11h30 Fim do evento When the state of emergency in response to covid-19 was announced 2 weeks ago, our team immediately started thinking about how we could make life easier for millions of Portuguese who would be at home - from young students, through working adults to older retired people, whether they live with other family members or alone. We decided to create MUDA EM CASA ("change at home" in Portuguese).
Since then, web designers, programmers, content managers and other professionals in collaboration with various organizations have come together to produce, choose and adapt more than 250 videos and articles with helpful suggestions and links on how to do everything from home using the internet, from working, learning, communicating, shopping, accessing information and more. Today MUDAEMCASA.PT is born so that all Portuguese can make the most of the internet, without leaving their homes. We have recommendations for internet users of all levels including those who have never used it. For non users, we have developed MUDA digital interactive manuals so that they can learn - with the help of their family members - how to develop the skills necessary to use email, search the internet and much more. We take this opportunity to thank the health professionals and all other professionals who ensure that our lives continue every day and ask everyone else to stay at their homes. Click here to visit the site This week was special for MUDA with enormous recognition from the Government for the current work of MUDA and in particular the MUDA NA ESCOLA ("change at school" in Portuguese) program.
This recognition specifically highlighted MUDA's potential, in partnership with the Government, to qualify 1 million Portuguese people to use the internet in their daily lives during this legislature "We want to give a basic digital qualification to a very significant number of Portuguese in partnership with the MUDA movement" stated the Minister of Economy and Digital Transition, Pedro Siza Vieira. "We want to give basic qualification to 1 million Portuguese people who today still do not use the Internet" quantified the Prime Minister, António Costa. ----- Esta semana foi especial para o MUDA com um enorme reconhecimento do Governo ao trabalho atual do MUDA e em particular ao programa MUDA NA ESCOLA. Sobretudo ao potencial quanto ao que podemos fazer nesta legislatura em parceria com o Governo, para qualificar 1 milhão de Portugueses a usar a internet no seu dia-a-dia. "Queremos dar uma qualificação básica digital a um número muito significativo de portugueses em parceria com o movimento MUDA" afirmou o Ministro da Economia e da Transição Digital, Pedro Siza Vieira. "Queremos dar qualificação básica a 1 milhão de portugueses que hoje ainda não utilizam a Internet" quantificou o Primeiro-Ministro, António Costa. The biggest Portuguese digital contest is back!!
MUDAR É GANHAR ("change to win" in Portuguese) is back to give Portuguese citizens thousands of prizes and a wonderful Volkswagen T-Cross. Over the next 3 months, all Portuguese citizens have a chance to win over 5,200 fantastic prizes simply by using digital services from the 25 participating brands. This year, not only are corporate services eligible but there are now digital public services that are eligible as well. Find out how here Está de volta o maior concurso digital português! O MUDAR É GANHAR volta para lhe dar milhares de prémios e um maravilhoso Volkswagen T-Cross. Durante os próximos 3 meses pode ganhar mais de 5.200 fantásticos prémios bastando usar serviços digitais das 25 marcas aderentes. Este ano são elegíveis não só serviços de empresas mas também serviços públicos digital. Saiba como aqui According to estimates published by Morgan Stanley, Amazon is now delivering 2.5 billion packages in the United States per year. Amazon's logistics capabilities has doubled within the last year from accounting for around 20% of Amazon package deliveries to more than half of all Amazon package deliveries. Amazon Logistics is rapidly catching market leaders FedEx (3 billion packages/year) and the United States Postal Service (4.7 billion packages/year). Although growing its own logistics capabilities is costing Amazon a fortune, it will soon own the entire delivery chain of its products, an accomplishment that will result in dramatic cost saving and efficiency improvements.
The quest to own more of its delivery chain has definitely not come cheaply. Just this year, Amazon reported a nearly 50% increase in its fulfillment and shipping costs (a total of $9.6 billion) over a three month period (June - September). Remarkably, Amazon is managing to increase the number of packages it delivers as well as the speed it takes to deliver them. This year, for example, Amazon began testing a shift from Prime two-day shipping to one-day shipping. Traditionally, the last mile of a package delivery is not only the most expensive for retail organizations but also the hardest for them to handle themselves. Amazon has launched numerous initiatives, such as Prime Air and Amazon Flex to meet the needs of their logistics goals.
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